佳妮英评网 英语资讯 吃烤肉的日记





June 30, 2013

Mmmm ketchup all over my face and a pickle in my mouth. HA! HA! MUST BE A BARBEQUE! We took charcoal to the park. I got to roast my own hotdog over the coals. Too bad the bees like hot dogs as much as I do. Ahhhhh..I kept running away from them. And Mommy said to stand still. Why would I stand still and let the bees eat my hot dog? Good thing they were gone by the time we ate our smores. Do you know why they call them smores? Because theyre so good you always want some more. Daddy likes to bur对于3-6岁的孩子来说sh-chuqiao.com英语的认知以及兴趣的培养和引导正确的发音最为重要!n his marshmallow, but I like mine just soft enough to melt the chocolate. Then I get chocolate all over my mouth with the ketchup. Im sure Daddy will make me wash my face soon!




作者: admin

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