佳妮英评网 雅思托福 福利:平安喜乐是什么意思 平安喜乐在线翻译 平安喜乐什么意思 平安喜乐的意思 平安喜乐

福利:平安喜乐是什么意思 平安喜乐在线翻译 平安喜乐什么意思 平安喜乐的意思 平安喜乐

1. 我们在主里面的这些平安和喜乐,是要放弃一些世界的观念,世界的价值,才能够得到的。

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

2. 平安喜乐的意思

2. 靠著由神而来的力量、平安和喜乐祝你平安喜乐顺遂无忧英语,学习把自己、家庭和癌症组完全顺服的放在主手中。

With the strength, peace and joy from God I leant to submit myself, my family, and the Cancer Group into His hands.

3. 我一生最大的事﹐是认识耶和华我一生最美的路﹐是主为我兴起他将我极重的罪﹐投在深海里他的喜乐和平安﹐无一能相比噢﹐沙仑的玫瑰花﹐我今认识你噢﹐园中的凤仙花﹐我更爱慕你噢﹐谷中的百合花﹐我深深爱著你你是万古的磐石﹐我一生投靠你

The most beautiful road in my life is made by lord.

4. 今天我们跟随耶稣基督,作为祂的信徒,在我们领受圣洗及坚掁圣事的时候,也得到圣神奇妙的倾注,使我们满心喜乐平安,这是天主的福赐恩佑,我们也要把这喜讯遍传万家。

We, as Jesus` followers today, also receive a wonderful infilling of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism and Confirmation! How we bless God today!

5. 平安喜乐的近义词

5. 如果你们学会了宽容、自律、礼让、诚信、谦虚、关爱、体贴、协作、激勉,你们的家庭就不会出现悲离,你们与邻里就不会出现矛盾,而是融洽的平安的祝福和喜乐。

If you have learned tolerance, self-discipline, courtesy, integrity, humility, caring, considerate, collaborative, Mian irritable, your family would not be a tragedy from you and the neighborhood would not be a contradiction, but the blessing of harmony and peace joy.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 今天的读经包含三段不同的敍事,都是关於基督的复活,祂为我们赢取永远的生命,得以在天上与祂同享光荣,这为我们来说,是莫大的福恩盼望,能以平安喜乐的心态度过这世途的生活,无惧无畏,并为祂给全人类救恩的福音作证。

I think, probably, the most exciting of these 3 stories is found in today`s Gospel which speaks of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 这个世界对你说向前走,神说你要与人不同,你要向上飞,以神为满足,以神为喜乐,以神为平安

This world tells you to go ahead.


8. 他走向刑场的时候,一路歌唱着,脸上发出喜乐和平安的光彩;他仰望着基督,所以死亡在他身上已失去了恐怖的力量。

He was led out to the same spot upon which Huss had yielded up his life.


9. 但愿使人有盼望的神,因信将诸般的喜乐、平安

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him


10. 但愿使人有盼望的神,因信,将诸般的喜乐平安充满你们的心

So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace

11. 平安喜乐什么意思

11. 当我们和这位君王,创造之王,万主之主碰撞的时候﹐是不是非常难受呢﹖唯一能够经历圣诞节的平安和喜乐的方式﹐就是完全俯服在他面前﹐并且敬拜他。

When we clash with this King, the king of creation, the Lord of all, its very painful, isn`t it? The only way to experience the peace and joy of this season is to submit ourselves to Him and worship Him.

12. 今天下午我去做礼拜了,我开始一直都藏着自己的心,不想暴露自己的不足,可是我一听到那么快乐动听的赞美的时候,我突然忍不住哭了,当时唱诗班的在前面唱赞美,我旁边也有弟兄姊妹,我想当时我的是样子一定让大家看到了,因为我已经将近两个月没有参加礼拜了,也一直在过自己的生活,在这段时间里自己也发生了很多事情,家庭里也发生了一些事情,我感觉自己现在喜乐在自己脸上越来越少了祝你平安喜乐顺遂无忧英语,自信也越来越少了,因为背后少了一个主的依靠,虽然主也一直在带领和保全我,可是我离开教会后就缺少了那份平安。

This afternoon I went to pray on, I began to have been in possession of their hearts, do not want to expose its own shortcomings, but then I heard the happy sounds of praise when I suddenly could not help crying when the choir sang praises in front, next to me also brothers and sisters, I think at that time I was kind of son certainly let everyone see, because I have for nearly two months did not participate in worship, it has been lead their own lives, during which time its has also undergone a lot of things, the family has also undergone a number of circumstances, I felt joy in their faces now less and less, more and more confident less, less behind because of the reliance on a main, although it has been the main lead and preservation of me, but after I left the church That lack of a safe.

13. 您现在收听的是美国之音的特别英语新闻节目,祝您平安喜乐。

You are listening to the news in VOA Special English.

14. 只有深深的悔改和回转到主的面前才能获得真正的平安和属天的喜乐。

Only repentance and return to the Lord can bring true peace and divine joy to human souls.

15. 当你感到平安和喜乐时,它们很快会受到突然的攻击,然后你变得坐立不安和非常忧虑。

When your feelings are peaceful and delightful, they are soon broken in upon, and become restless and melancholy.

16. 工作是神圣的,生活喜乐是上主祝福的〞,尤紧记不管是在家的、或出门的,让我们都记起一切皆来自上主,继续在每主日上一同上圣堂祝你平安喜乐顺遂无忧英语,到主的圣殿,同怀感恩赞颂心,与团体一起献祭,共同庆祝我们的信仰,并求主赐我们满怀喜乐而出门,在旅程中的伴倍,以及平安大吉地回归。

Whether you are preparing to leave home or are still working hard, let`s be thankful for all that`s given us by our Lord, and continue going to Holy Mass on Sundays to celebrate our belief with other congregants. We humbly ask that the Lord`s blessings be with you always, particularly for those of you who are traveling. Have an enjoyable and safe journey.– Fr. Augustine

17. 平安喜乐

17. 您会经历到阅读圣经时的喜乐,那种的平安是超乎人所能言谕的。

Secondly, it is a pleasure and the peace is beyond what we can describe when we come together and read the Bible.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 而且不同的时候,有不同的善工,有瞻礼日可行的苦工,有平日可行的善工,有受诱惑时当行的善工,有平安时当行的善工福利:平安喜乐是什么意思 平安喜乐在线翻译 平安喜乐什么意思 平安喜乐的意思 平安喜乐,有难受时当思念的,也有喜乐时当思念的。

Different exercises, likewise, are suitable for different times, some for feast days and some again for weekdays. In time of temptation we need certain devotions. For days of rest and peace we need others. Some are suitable when we are sad, others when we are joyful in the Lord.

19. 有耶稣在我生命中,叫我又喜乐又平安。

I’m so joyful and peaceful to have Jesus in my life.

20. 我心里很快乐,充满了平安和喜乐。

I am full of peace and joy.


作者: admin

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