佳妮英评网 英语资讯 英语演讲口语:重磅推荐丨《美国100个最伟大的演讲》音频+文本,最佳英语学习材料之一!


美国著名人际关系学大师卡耐基说:一个人的成功 85% 是靠他的人际沟通和演说能力英语演讲口语,只有 15% 跟他的专业技能相关。





没错,一段好的演讲,哪怕只有 3 分钟的时间,都能够起到说服人、激励人、打动人、鼓舞人,进而促使人们去展开一连串行动的作用。














1 我有一个梦想 I Have a Dream (双语)


2 肯尼迪就职演说 Inaugural Address

John F. Kennedy

3 美国总统(富兰克林-罗斯福)就职演说 First Inaugural Address


4 罗斯福:国会珍珠港演说 Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation


5 1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Barbara Charline Jordan

6 理查德·尼克松“西洋跳棋”小猎犬 Checkers

Richard M. Nixon

7 选票还是子弹 The Ballot or the Bullet

Malcolm X

8 里根:“挑战号”惨剧致辞 (双语)

Ronald Reagan

9 对大休斯顿部长协会的讲话 Houston Ministerial Association Speech

John F. Kennedy

10 Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Voting Legislation

Lyndon Baines Johnson

11 1984 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Mario Matthew Cuomo

12 1984 Democratic National Convention Address

Jesse Jackson

13 Statement on the Articles of Impeachment

Barbara Charline Jordan

14 麦克阿瑟将军国会大厦告别演讲 Farewell Address to Congress


15 马丁·路德·金:我已达至峰顶 I”ve Been to the Mountaintop

Martin Luther King, Jr

16 西奥多·罗斯福《耙粪记者》The Man with the Muck-rake


17 肯尼迪:在马丁路德金遇刺后的讲演

Robert F. Kennedy

18 艾森豪威尔:Farewell Address 告别演说

Dwight D. Eisenhower

19 关于宣战对国会的演讲 War Message to Congress

Woodrow Wilson

20 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟西点军校告别演说(双语对照)


21 尼克松:沉默的大多数 The Great Silent Majority

Richard M. Nixon

22 在柏林墙边的演说 Ich bin ein Berliner I am a “Berliner‘

John F. Kennedy

23 克劳伦斯.丹诺:Mercy for Leopold and Loeb

Clarence Darrow

24 鲁塞?康维尔:钻石宝地 Acres of Diamonds

Russell Conwell

25 罗纳德里根:决择的时刻 A Time for Choosing (含视频)

Ronald Reagan

26 让每个人都是国王 Every Man a King

Huey P. Long

27 The Fundamental Principle of a Republic

Anna Howard Shaw

28 民主政治的超级军火库 The Great Arsenal of Democracy


29 邪恶帝国 The Evil Empire

Ronald Reagan

30 里根总统就职演说 First Inaugural Address

Ronald Reagan

31 炉边谈话 First Fireside Chat


32 杜鲁门主义 The Truman Doctrine

Harry S. Truman

33 福克纳诺贝尔奖致辞 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

William Faulkner

34 1918 Statement to the Court

Eugene Debs

35 Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session

Hillary Rodham Clinton

36 原子能为和平服务 Atoms for Peace

Dwight D. Eisenhower

37 在美国大学毕业典礼上的演说 American University Commencement Address

John F. Kennedy

38 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Ann Richards

39 尼克松辞职演讲 Resignation Address to the Nation

Richard M. Nixon

40 十四点和平原则 The Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson

41良心宣言 Declaration of Conscience

42 罗斯福:四大自由 The Four Freedoms


43 打破沉寂 Beyond Vietnam — A Time to Break Silence

Martin Luther King, Jr.

44 What It Means to be Colored in Capital of the U.S.

Mary Church Terrell

45 反对帝国主义 Against Imperialism

William Jennings Bryan

46The Morality of Birth Control

Margaret Sanger

47 Commencement Address at Wellesley College

Barbara Pierce Bush

48 关于民权的广播电视讲话 Civil Rights Address

John F. Kennedy

49 苏联在古巴部署核导弹 Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation

John F. Kennedy

50 电视新闻覆盖率 Television News Coverage

Spiro Theodore Agnew

51 1988 Democratic National Convention Address

Jesse Jackson

52 关注全美艾滋病 1992 Republican National Convention Address

Mary Fisher

53 伟大社会 The Great Society

Lyndon Baines Johnson

54 马歇尔计划 The Marshall Plan

George C. Marshall

55 Faith, Truth and Tolerance in America

Edward M. Kennedy

56 Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Adlai Stevenson

57 The Struggle for Human Rights

Eleanor Roosevelt

58 Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address


59 Senate Address on Free Speech in War Time Title

Robert La Follette

60 在诺曼底登陆40周年纪念活动上的讲话 Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day

Ronald Reagan

61 Religious Belief and Public Morality

Mario Matthew Cuomo

62 Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick

Edward M. Kennedy

63 Labor and the Nation

John L. Lewis

64 Speech Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination

Barry Goldwater

65 Black Power Address at UC Berkeley

Stokely Carmichael

66 1948 Democratic National Convention Address

Hubert H. Humphrey

67 Address to the Jury


68 The Crisis

Carrie Chapman Catt

69 Television and the Public Interest

Newton N. Minow

70 Address at the Public Memorial Service for Robert F. Kennedy

Edward M. Kennedy

71 Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee

Anita Hill

72 Final Address in Support of the League of Nations

Woodrow Wilson

73 Farewell to Baseball Address

Lou Gehrig

74 Cambodian Incursion Address

Richard M. Nixon

75 Address to the Congress on Women”s Suffrage

Carrie Chapman Catt

76 1980 Democratic National Convention Address


77 On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election

Lyndon Baines Johnson

78 联邦俱乐部演说 Commonwealth Club Address


79 First Inaugural Address


80 Sproul Hall Sit-in Speech/An End to History

Mario Savio

81 1992 Democratic National Convention Address

Elizabeth Glaser

82 The Issue

Eugene Victor Debs

83 Children”s Era

Ursula Kroeber Le Guin

84 A Left-Handed Commencement Address

Ursula Kroeber Le Guin

85 Now We Can Begin

Crystal Eastman

86 Share Our Wealth

Huey Pierce Long

87 Address on Taking the Oath of Office


88 Speech on Ending His 25 Day Fast

Cesar Estrada Chavez

89 Statement at the Smith Act Trial


90 杰米卡特:信心是决定性的转折点A Crisis of Confidence


91 Message to the Grassroots


92 Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address

93 For the Equal Rights Amendment

94 罗纳德里根:拆掉这堵墙 Brandenburg Gate Address


95 The Perils of Indifference

96 National Address Pardoning Richard M. Nixon

Gerald R. Ford

97 For the League of Nations


98 Let Us Continue

Lyndon Baines Johnson

99 Have You No Sense of Decency

Joseph N. Welch

100 Adopting the Declaration of Human Rights

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt






作者: admin

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