佳妮英评网 英语口语 雅思网络课口语备考:雅思口语 a difficult decision/choice you’ve

雅思网络课口语备考:雅思口语 a difficult decision/choice you’ve


雅思口语里的a difficult decision/choice you’ve ever made对于很多“少不更事”的孩子来说,是很痛苦的一道题目。不过也正因为大家木有经历过什么,对于雅思口语这个“选择”也比较局限。我们从头回顾一下吧,大部分孩子从小需要面对的选择就是“择校”、“选择文理”、“选专业”,当然选男女朋友你也可以跟雅思考官聊聊,不过无论什么选择,归根到底,就是说说这两种或多种选择的优缺点嘛!我们按照这个思路,这个雅思话题就比较好搞定了!

After the college entrance exam, I was faced with a difficult decision about which major I should choose to study. I need to give it some serious consideration ‘cause that concerns my future job prospects. And the worst part was, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

My mom always believes that medical school would be a pretty good choice for me, because she thinks doctors are respected and well paid, despite the fact that I need to study extra hard to get a degree. I heard that I have to study in school for at least 8 years before I could practice medicine. But to be honest, I don’t think I’m doctor material, ‘cause I would faint at the sight of blood, and it’s just too much responsibility and pressure, I mean, I need to be on duty 24/7, and I just hate to break the news to patients’ relatives that we’ve done everything we could and I’m sorry for your loss, which is heartbreaking.

And my teacher said since I have a good command of English, why not be an English major, and after graduation I could become a teacher, which is suitable for girls. That way I don’t have to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships, and I would have a stable job with 2 long vacations each year. But I just couldn’t imagine myself spending my whole life in school, part of me still wanted to explore some other possibilities.

My father wanted me to studying science and engineering, because when it comes to choosing majors, his priority would be whether or not this major will guarantee a decent job 4 years later. Unfortunately, physics or math has never been my strong suit.

So you see, none of my options were perfect, which made it really hard for me to decide. I asked myself over and over again, what are the things I truly want to learn and what kind of person I really want to be in the future. And finally I decided to study XX.

然后再加上一些你为啥选择这个专业(比如是你的childhood dream啦什么的),虽然还是有一些缺点,但是要follow my heart and work for my goal之类的套话。上面的内容专业优缺点大家随意改动,变成自己当年的纠结,这个雅思口语的答案就搞定了!


朱博,雅思口语美女讲师,毕业于985院校大连理工大学,硕士保送一等奖学金。在校期间曾游学美国雅思网络课口语备考,任出版社英语出版中心校对四年雅思网络课口语备考雅思网络课口语备考,工作严谨,活泼开朗雅思网络课口语备考:雅思口语 a difficult decision/choice you’ve,让大家快乐的学习英语。


作者: admin