佳妮英评网 英语资讯 英语口语 广州:KISS有助于提高英语口语?这不是开玩笑!

英语口语 广州:KISS有助于提高英语口语?这不是开玩笑!






1、Improve Your English Speaking

and English Pronunciation Skills


My first piece of advice is not to get too hung up on trying to sound like a native speaker.


Would you start learning the piano in an attempt to sound like Mozart? The first rule of speaking English is to learn to speak clearly and concisely and remember you won’t just be speaking to native speakers: There are roughly 380 million native speakers out there, but as many as a billion people speak English as a second language, you do the math.

你会为了学习钢琴而试着成为莫扎特吗? 说英语的第一条准则就是发音清晰和准确,你要记得,你并不仅仅与英语母语者交流。全世界大约有3.8亿的英语母语持有者,但却有着近十亿的以二语的方式讲着英文的人,你自己算算吧。

英语口语 广州

Try to avoid using idioms and slang (I always say learn it, but don’t use it). It might sound clever to say “You’re barking up the wrong tree,” but if you use it in the wrong situation, or if the other person simply doesn’t understand you, you’ll only look silly when you try to explain what you meant to say, or what it actually means.

避免使用成语及俚语(我经常说你可以学,但是别用)。也许当你说:“You’re barking up the wrong tree” 时看起来特别聪明,但是如果你用错地方,或者别人根本听不懂时,你不得不去解释这句话的真正含义,这时你就会看起来特别蠢。

There’s also a saying in English “Have you swallowed a dictionary?” It is applicable to anyone who uses long, complicated words when a shorter word will do. Short sentences are just as good (if not better) than long rambling explanations. The value in what you have to say is what you say, not how clever you look or sound when you say it. So it’s a good idea to try to use simple, clear vocabulary, KISS – keep it short and simple.

同时在英语中,也有这样的一句谚语,”Have you swallowed a dictionary?(你是把字典吃了吗?)”, 这句话经常被用来形容那些明明可以用很简单的语言来表达,但是却选择使用长难句的人身上。有时短句足以表达一个很漫长的句子所表达的中心思想。你说的话的价值是你所传达的内容,并不是你说话的时候听起来或者看起来有多么聪明。所以用短小精悍的词句来说话英语口语 广州,还是非常不错的主意的。记住KISS 法则,短而简。

2、English speaking tips


Get over any fear you might have of making mistakes. You will make mistakes.


Be patient with yourself. Learning any language can be frustrating, but frustration won’t help you, so let it go.


Grasp every opportunity you have to speak with people in English.


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Talk to friends who are also learning English. Go out together for coffee and only speak English to each other!

与其他的英语学习伙伴多用英语交流英语口语 广州,出去喝一杯咖啡,并且只能用英语彼此交流。

Read short stories out loud and try to see, say and hear the words to reinforce your memory. Record yourself and play it back later, how does it sound?


3、Find English speaking friends


You might not be able to find any friendly native speakers where you live, but If you can’t find anyone who’ll actually help you, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to figure out if they can understand you.


Get onto Second Life. It’s the one place I’ve found where you’re guaranteed a conversation – it’s an adult environment, and you won’t always want to talk to the people you meet, but for every blood sucking vampire who asks if they can bite you, there are at least ten, nice people who just want to socialise. If you want a list of nice places to go, just contact me on the forum.


There are several internet based voice chat programmes out there: Yahoo! Messenger | Google Hangouts | Skype |CCtalk and I’m sure there are lots more.

有几个语音聊天软件英语口语 广州:KISS有助于提高英语口语?这不是开玩笑!,特别的好用好玩,比如 Yahoo! Messenger | Google Hangouts | Skype |CCtalk,我保证还有很多类似的软件及平台。

Look for people with the same interests as you. It’s no good asking everyone you meet to help you with your English, rather develop natural friendships based on your hobbies etc. Eventually you will make friends and they will be much more likely to give you correction / guidance.

英语口语 广州


Join an English club or conversation group. Around the world there are many English speaking clubs, these clubs aren’t just for expats but for people interested in the English way of life. They can be friendly and fun.


Visit an Irish/English/Australian theme pub or British food shop, you can usually find one in the larger cities. Often, the waiters and waitresses come from English-speaking countries, the menu is often in English too!

去拜访爱尔兰\英国\澳大利亚为主题的酒吧,或者英式食物店英语口语 广州,你通常会在大城市找到这样的店面,通常里面服务员(男/女)都是来自英语国家,并且菜单也都是英文的!

Once your English is good enough, go shopping in some tourist areas. You’ll find lots of shop assistants speak very good English.


If you can travel to an English speaking country, do it.




Accents really don’t matter any more. You can spend a fortune and waste a lot of time trying to “get rid of” your accent, time and money that you could spend learning more English. So, unless you are up for a role in a film, don’t worry about your accent too much. That said, people need to be able to understand you, so pronunciation and enunciation are important.


英语口语 广州

5、Learn the phonetic alphabet


List words that have the same sound add to the lists as you learn more words.


For example words that rhyme with me:-


Work on one problem sound at a time. Read slowly concentrating on the pronunciation of particular words. Record yourself, keep the tape and record yourself later, have you improved? Don’t be shy – ask a friend to listen to the tape too.

一次针对一个发音的问题,慢速的去读,认真的读某个发音问题的单词,自己录音,然后听磁带,进步了吗? 别害羞,找一个朋友一起听。

Don’t worry about sounding like a native, it is more important to speak clearly and pleasantly than it is to sound like the Queen of England – Even the Queen of England doesn’t sound like she used to.


The most important thing to think about is can people understand you? If you have a problem being understood then find someone who speaks English clearly and try to copy the way they speak. Pay particular attention to speed and enunciation.


新概念、剑桥英语,雅思、托福干货,留学规划等 关注:烤鸭学堂


作者: admin