佳妮英评网 雅思托福 杭州雅思培训:杭州新雅思考场开放及报名注意事项




NEW Hangzhou IELTS test venue is opening and

the registration reminder to candidates

the New Hangzhou IELTS test venue is opening soon. IELTS test dates in the new test venue are July 12th , July 24th, July 26th , August 9th, August 16th, August 21st, August 30th, September 6th, September 13th. For candidates who register the IELTS test in this venue, the written test is arranged at Zhejiang Gongshang University杭州雅思培训:杭州新雅思考场开放及报名注意事项,Building 9, No.92 Baoshu North Rd., Hang Zhou. The speaking test is arranged at Zhejiang Education Building, No. 321 Wenhui Rd., Hang Zhou. Candidates in this test venue will have the IELTS speaking test the following Monday to Wednesday after the written test. The only exception is for candidates who register with the IELTS test on July 24th 2008 in this venue, the speaking test will be arranged between July 19th to July 21st 2008.

如果想了解更多英国留学的申请签证学校排名留学论坛 等相关信息以及详细资讯杭州雅思培训,欢迎点击中英网


作者: admin