佳妮英评网 少儿英语 2019年中考英语写作范文之隐形的翅膀(带翻译) 供考生们参考

2019年中考英语写作范文之隐形的翅膀(带翻译) 供考生们参考

  A lot of people complain about their situation, they think life sucks and there is nothing for them can do. But when we see the disabled who live happily and make great achievement, there is nothing for us to complain about. A disabled man who has no feet seems so miserable, but he learns the basic skills and lives as the ordinary people. His story inspires so many people, when they see him, they think what they face is nothing serious. The disabled have the strong will and invisible wings, which make them successful. So we sho英语菜鸟uld not complain, finding all kinds of excuses, just fight for our dreams.




作者: admin



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