佳妮英评网 英语口语 英语教学口语常用句:备考干货| 三个最受雅思口语考官青睐的语法句型,快收藏备用!

英语教学口语常用句:备考干货| 三个最受雅思口语考官青睐的语法句型,快收藏备用!

参加雅思口语考试时,大家都会苦恼要说什么才能给考官留下好印象:● 应该说我喜爱鹿晗还是Taylor Swift呢?● 应该说我喜欢姚明还是Kobe Bryan呢?● Family activities?我家的favorite activity就是挤在一起看电视啊,说出来考官会鄙视我吗?………………… 对于刚刚开始着手备考雅思的同学来说,“说什么”应该是最困扰他们的问题。而对于上述疑问,我的答案是:说什么内容都行英语教学口语常用句,你喜欢就好。因为提分的关键并不是内容,而是在讲述这些内容时,我们使用到的语言。 雅思口语考试四项评分标准之一的“语法的多样性及准确性”,是我们突破想象力受限的口语提分指南。多样性指的是在口语面试过程中使用到的语法种类,如:时态、语态、各式从句等;准确性则指是否能够无语法错误地使用上述语法结构。由此可见,贫穷可能会限制了你的想象,但掌握了以下的语法句型,一定会让你的口语分数不再受限。 1. 时态:大部分考生常用的时态除一般现在时、过去时和将来时以外,还会使用现在、过去和将来进行时。但上述的这六种时态却并不是考官最希望听到的英语教学口语常用句:备考干货| 三个最受雅思口语考官青睐的语法句型,快收藏备用!,他希望听到的高分时态包括: 1) 现在完成进行时:have/has been doing 这个时态在口语中使用的频率比have/has done(现在完成时)更高,是was doing/am doing + will be doing的合体。

例如:Q: Do you like reading?A: Yes, I do. Actually, I am fanatical about reading science fictions. For example, recently I’ve been reading a book called 2312 written by Kim Stanley Robinson. It’s such a page-turner and I really like it. 2) 过去完成时: had done 在讲故事的时候经常会用到的一个时态表达,表示过去的过去发生的一个动作。我们可以通过使用以下2个句型,向考官展示我们已掌握这个时态的使用:“After I had done , I did something.I had done something before I did something.” 例如:Q: Describe a child you spent time with.A: … However, as we got back to the building both our family cars were not there. Three hours had passed and there was still no sign of the cars. 3) 将来完成时:will have done 谈论计划时,使用这一时态表达某个将来时间点将已完成的一个动作了。

例如:Q: Describe your dream house.A: I will have graduated from the university in five years, and I will be living all by myself in a nice penthouse located in downtown. 2. 直接引语 vs 间接英语 (宾语从句)He said that… / She told me that… 口语的采分点有时候正好与写作的相反。以这一语法点为例英语教学口语常用句,考试中考官更加希望听到间接引语表达,因为在引用的过程中考生需要改变人称、时态,且需注意主谓一致。 在日常口语练习时,我们可以重点练习以下句型:1) 陈述句‘I want to learn cooking from you’, I told my grandma.改为间接引语:I told my grandma I wanted to learn cooking from her. 2) 否定句Olivia said, ‘I won’t forget all the things you’ve done for me. I really appreciate it.’改为间接引语:Olivia said that she wouldn’t forget all the things I’d done for her and shereally appreciated it.’ 3) 祈使句I said, ‘Don’t recite every word on the script without understanding it.’ 改为间接引语:I told him not to recite every word on the script without understanding it. 4) 一般疑问句‘Can you understand what I said?’ I asked my cousin.改为间接引语:I asked my cousin if he could understand what I’d said. 5) 特殊疑问句‘What are you up to tonight?’ my friend asked.改为间接引语:My friend asked me what I was up to that night. 3. if条件句- 虚拟语气 尝试在Part 2卡片题和Part 3讨论题中加入以下语法英语教学口语常用句,绝对会让考官眼前一亮。采分点,Bingo!if主从句无论是哪一类条件句都有两部分:if从句和主句,所以口语练习中要注意练习以下4种情况:


作者: admin

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