佳妮英评网 雅思托福 托福写作算分:托福107分经验分享附写作建议+task1&2拿good心得





时间地点:10.11 南大考场(苦逼上海考生本地常年没考位orzzzz)









Question: Workers must be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.





1 Opinion – partly true but does not always work

2 Concessive paragraph

3 Reason1 – overwhelming, tired – not happy

4 Reason2 – hard to focus, efficiency declines, worried – not happy

5 Conclusion



There are many different types of job in daily life, some require people to work on the same task every day, and others require people to deal with various tasks during their work hours. It’s hard to get a universal answer which one is better because different people may hold different opinions on this issue. Some people think that workers must be happier if they are doing different types of tasks than dealing with the same thing. For me, however, this idea is partly true but does not always work.

It’s hard to deny that working on various tasks during workday could sometimes make some workers be happy. Just like what my mother had experienced. My mother works in hospital and her job is to use ultrasonic detective machine to check people’s disease, she is also the leader of her department in our local hospital. My mother always has to diagnose almost 100 patients every day without much break. She says it’s not an easy job to do only one task every day because it’s a little bit exhausting and dull to stare at the detective machine all the day. She feels happy and very relaxed every time she has to attend a department leaders’ meeting during the workday. For her, it would be happier to do different types of work every day. However, it should also be noted that this doesn’t always work for all workers because it might be really overwhelming and hard to focus when doing multi tasks.

First of all, it would be very overwhelming to deal with more than one task during workday。 Sometimes people may even have to meet deadlines of different tasks in one day, which may make people feel not only overwhelmed but also extremely tired and exhausted。 Take myself as an example。 During my last job, I have to deal with three clients of different companies every day, and sometimes they might throw various tasks to me during the same day。 I still remember the second Monday of last month, I had to write a media campaign report for a sports brand, I also had to manage social media platforms for the Italian client, and I had to search appropriate online key opinion leaders for a TV set company。

Everything came to me at the same day and I had to handle three different tasks during the same day。 It’s really overwhelming to do those different big tasks at the same time and meet all those deadlines。 I worked until 10PM that day and was totally exhausted at the end。 I wasn’t happy at all and thought it must be better to deal with the same task during workday。 Therefore, people can hardly not be overwhelming or exhausting to work on different types of tasks during workday, let alone being happy。

Moreover, working on different tasks during workday will also make it hard for people to focus and then their working efficiency might be affected。 Instead of being happy or relaxed, workers might be very anxious and worried under such situation。 My current colleague’s experience can well illustrate this point。 My colleague always has to handle more than two different tasks during one day。 Sometimes she’s writing social media performance report for client A, and next minute she receives phone call from client B to discuss about their project。

When this happens, she has to stop writing client A’s report and shift her mind to client B’s project。 This will corrupt her from the report and later she has to take time to shift her thoughts back to the report again。 This will definitely take much more of her time to finish one report。 Every time she meets such situation, she feels it’s hard to focus and her working efficiency is greatly affected。 Thus, she can barely be happy when handling multi tasks but only feel anxious and worried。

To wrap up, sometimes some workers feel happier to work on multitasks than single task but that doesn’t happen all the time. People are also prone to being overwhelmed, tired, anxious, or worried when handling many different tasks during workday. (691 words)



(这是楼主最常用的一种结构,纯属个人喜好,但一直以来的实践告诉我,这样真的能够比较严谨的论述 以及 撑满字数XD):

第 一段:部分同意题中观点,但是要提出否定的大致立场,比 如:sometimes working on the sam task could make people happier than doing different tasks during workday, but it doesn’t always work (在 部分同意的时候,最好要用到sometimes, some people这种非充分肯定的字眼去表明你并不是完全同意的立场)

第 二段:让步段,顺着 sometimes working on the sam task could make people happier than doing different tasks during workday 的方向去阐明它,举一个详实、确切、清楚、高度相关的例子(推荐用自身经历,可以编)去说明;【IMPORTANT】因为是让步段,所以最后要 however一下扭转立场,说明这个观点只是在部分时候成立,并不是一直成立的。段末一两句话带过得转折部分一定要有!

第三段:理由一(注意审题,题目问你做multitasks比较happy还是做the same task比较happy,你就不要说是multitasks要better还是做the same task要better)








【比 如你想说明每天做相同task有助于提高efficiency,那就不能只写到efficiency这个点,一定要通过efficiency扩展到 happy这个问题!!!例如:如果要做multitasks托福写作算分,那就会影响到efficiency导致事情各种做不完,员工会因此而感到非常 anxious和worried,therefore,要happy就是一件不可能的事情了。此处逻辑小 结:multitasking ——– efficiency下降 ——— 事情做不 完 ——– anxious&worried ——- 完全不happy。逻辑一定要清楚,环环相扣,把问题说到最清楚!】

简单来讲:sum一句 – detailed reason一两句 – EXAMPLE三到五句话或更多 直到把问题讲清楚 – sum一两句(with KEY WORDS in title!!)




其实作为一只口语24的菜鸟应该没什么发言权,但楼主这次task1&2拿的是good,3 4 5 6估计是fair的厉害了。既然如此楼主就和大家分享一下很多考生的心头老大难task1&2。

从 我个人角度出发,task1和2一定要足够个人化,去模板 去模板 去模板(比如firstly secondly这种很明显的模板词)!重要的事情说三遍!可以只说一个点(我这次考试就是只用了一个点),但一定要把一个点充分展开,有详细的例子(这 是大头)。如果可以用上自己的亲身经历(可以编),那是最讨巧的办法。这次考试我两道题都只讲了一点,但是例子举得非常详细,而且是用的自身经历(I 怎么样,my experience告诉我应该怎么怎么样)。


好啦就说这么多了,希望以上文字可以帮到大家,也欢迎指正不足之处共同讨论。托福路上,感谢亦鸥,感谢曾经的战友~ 最近申请季忙的飞起,学校还有各种课然后楼主还一边实习,如果得空了想到什么会继续跑来更新的=w= 为申请季攒人品~返回搜狐,查看更多


作者: admin

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