佳妮英评网 英语资讯 跟着山姆学英语口语:英语口语听力练习,英语阅读,听力阅读一起练习!




Judy works in a sports shop.She loves all kinds of sports.She can swim and skate very well.

She often plays basketball and volleyball.These days跟着山姆学英语口语,she is taking her tennis lessons at a tennis club.She goes to the club at weekends.There she meets Kate and Joan.The three of them become good friends.Kate and Joan started their tennis lessons earlier than Judy跟着山姆学英语口语,but Judy learns the fastest.Now she plays the best of the three.

“You must take part in the tennis match in our town next year跟着山姆学英语口语:英语口语听力练习,英语阅读,听力阅读一起练习!,” Kate says to Judy.

“But I have sports only for exercise and fun,you know.” Judy answers.

Answer the questions:

1.Where does Judy work?


2.What sports does Judy go in for?


3.Why does Judy go to the club?


4.Who are her good friends?


5.Who plays the best of the three?


6.Why does Judy take sports?




作者: admin

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