佳妮英评网 英语资讯 关于计划的英文句子





1.The board of directors has considered your advertising proposal.董事会已经考虑了你的广告计划。

2.They felt that although there was much merit in your proposal yet, on balance, they agreed that there were too many demerits to be able to proceed with it.他们认为,尽管你的计划有许多优点,但总的来说,里面还是有太多的缺点,因此,我们不能实施它。

3.Unfortunately, your proposal was not considered attractive enough to us to warrant proceeding any further with it.很遗憾,我们认为你的计划没有足够的吸引力,所以我们不能保证对它的进一步实施。

4.We regret to say that your proposal was not accepted by the board of directors.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的计划没有被董事会采纳。

5.Regretfully, your proposal fell far short of what we are look儿童线上英语一对一我是有一些了解的jianlizjj.com平时在上班中有些同事是已经结婚的了,他们也会谈论这个话题ing for.很遗憾,你的计划与我们所希望的差得太远了。

6.We thoroughly examined your proposal but felt that it was not what we were hoping for.我们非常仔细地研究了你的计划,但是,我们觉得这不是我们所期待的。

7.We all felt that your proposal did not offer enough financial incentives for us to proceed with it.我们都认为你的计划没有为我们提供足够的经济方面的动力,因此我们不能实施。

8.Thank you for submitting your proposal but we feel that this is not the right time to go ahead with it.谢谢你提交的计划,但是,我们认为现在不是实施它的时候。

9.An amended proposal may be resubmitted.修改后的计划书可以重新提交。

10.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for submitting your proposal and if you were to substantially alter it we may reconsider it in the futu我本身是一个英语专业的人,yn5u.com所以我也认为这个想法是没错的,外教是拥有纯正的英语发音,孩子在英语环境的熏陶之下re.我们想借此机会感谢你提交给我们计划书。如果你愿意做大幅度的修改,我们将来可能会重新考虑。


作者: admin

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